1.) What is noob protection?
Noob protection is a beginner protection, it protects new and inexperienced players.

2.) How does noob protection work?
There are two areas. One is the total points, the other is the military points (defense + fleet )
Both work the same way. Players can only attack other players who have 1/X or X times as many points. This also allows anyone to attack back.
There is also an upper limit, beyond which you no longer have noob protection.

3.) What factors X do the universes have?
The factor X has been chosen differently in the universes because of the speeds.
You can see the exact factor during your first login.

4.) What's the limit?
At a certain point, you can assume that the player has understood how the game works, especially how to save properly, and has created a certain infrastructure.
This limit is set to a total rank. Default is rank 20.
You can see the exact limit during your first login.

5.) What's outlawed and how do you become one?
Right off the bat, outlawed is only recommended for experienced players!
You become outlawed by performing an enemy action (destroy moon, attack, spy) against a player marked as strong.
This would actually not work due to the noob protection (Only players who have X amount of points can be attacked), but as a weak player you can consciously decide against the noob protection.
You then become outlawed for 1 week, which means that anyone can attack you. You theoretically put your own cap on your own points.
The week is renewed whenever you perform another enemy action against a player marked as strong.

6.) Why is it possible to become outlawed?
Stronger players have more resources lying around, of course. More farmed resources also equal faster progress and expansion.
As an experienced player, you can get a lot of resources faster and stand out from the other newcomers faster.

7.) How do I recognize strong marked players?
It's quite simple. They are not only clearly above you by points and places, they are also marked in the galaxy again extra with a red (S) and their name is red, too.
If you have the free convenience officer "1st officer" as well, then the player is additionally marked red in the statistics.

8.) I'm accidentally outlawed, what to do?
That's pretty hard to believe, since the tutorial warns about it twice. Upon completion of Task 3 - Planetary Supply and Task 6 - Storage. The following tasks are Task 4 - The First Ship and Task 7 - Fleet Action Build a Spy probe.
Nevertheless, if it should happen, then you should submit support ticket to the support or simply watch out better this week.

9.) Non-hostile actions
Non-hostile actions such as Trading with strong players are allowed and do not give you an outlawed status.